Tag Archives | surrealism

Matt Wisniewski

Matt Wisniewski is an artist who makes surreal collages by combining appropriated fashion photography and portraits with nature and architectural photos. I love how the landscapes and cityscapes interact with the figures’ different surfaces. It’s fun to explore each photo and try to find where one image ends and another begins.










Prints with collage by Matt Wisniewski and photography by Derrick Leung can be purchased here.

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Kyle Thompson

Kyle Thompson is a surreal fine art photographer from the Chicago area. His work evokes an ethereal presence through the combination of stillness and movement often found simultaneously within one composition.

I started taking self portraits a little over a year ago. I was interested in photography but am terrible at talking with people, so I ended up using myself in nearly all of my photos. I started to spend several hours a day going alone through empty forests taking self portraits with my cameras timer. I’ve been trying to teach myself photoshop, but I really only know the basic tools. If I combine two images together I always take them in the same location, same time, same camera settings etc.







View more of Thompson’s photography on his website.

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