Tag Archives | narrative

Dan Matutina

Dan Matutina is a Filipino designer and illustrator with a very distinct aesthetic. Each piece has a playful narrative quality and an innovative use of geometry and texture. I really enjoy the space-age, retro, and cartoon themes that he incorporates into his body of work.

My illustration style is a mix of handmade & digital, clean & dirty, old & modern aesthetics. I love mixing colors with different textures & shapes to tell a story.










Visit Dan Matutina’s website to see more of his work.

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Lesley Barnes

Lesley Barnes is an emerging Glaswegian illustrator who has exhibited her work in London and Los Angeles this year. Her illustrations have also been featured in many publications such as Puffin Classics books, Glamour Magazine, and Digital Artist Magazine. I love her use of narrative themes, geometric shapes, bright colors, high contrast, repetition, and layering of imagery.










Be sure to stop by Barnes’ website and check out the rest of her portfolio as well as her Etsy shop.

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