
Hello, my name is Megan and I am from the Milwaukee area of Wisconsin. This blog was created to share the beautiful and inspiring things I find in addition to documenting my personal growth as an artist and graphic designer.
I have a passion for all things visual and creative. I am particularly inspired by minimalism, bold colors, geometry, patterns, and prints. When I’m not busy working on art or design, I enjoy listening to music, practicing yoga, going to concerts, reading, and watching movies. I believe in being as eco-friendly as possible, which is why all the of food and recipes on this blog are either vegetarian or vegan and the products I personally use and feature are mindful toward one’s well-being.

Much of the content on this blog is appropriated from other sources, but I will always give credit where credit is due. If you still do not want me to use your work on my blog, please email me at m@meganmcdonald.org, and I will remove it immediately.
Feel free to repost images of my art and design work as long as you give me credit and include a link to my blog or website. Do not edit any images without my written permission or claim as your own. You may also repost any of my written content or graphics created from appropriated images, but please make sure to give credit where credit is due.
Thank you for visiting my blog!